Meet the Coaches

Nikki White
Nikki White is the award-winning author of Identity in Exodus, and teaches seminars on the topics of identity and prayer. As a Life Coach, she is certified with Prepare/Enrich Canada™ to coach couples through a rich process of self-discovery and personal growth. She writes for MULTIPLY, the global mission agency of the Mennonite Brethren, gathering stories from all over the world to inspire the Body of Christ in prayer and into embracing their sent-ness in the kingdom of God. Nikki did undergraduate studies in Fine Arts in Colima, Mexico, and has an MA from ACTS/Trinity Western University, with a concentration in cross-cultural studies. She is passionate about facilitating healthy, authentic relational encounters with God and with others.
A Vision for Prayer

Scott White
Scott works as a Business Systems Administrator and independent business consultant in the Lower Mainland of B.C. He has over twenty years of experience mentoring young adults, including those who identify themselves as part of the LGBTQ community. Scott is passionate about discipleship in the Word and in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, teaching others how to have a more personal and intimate relationship with God and one another. Scott is also certified with Prepare/Enrich Canada™. Scott and Nikki have been married for 38 years, have three adult children, four grandchildren and live in Langley, British Columbia.
Gender Identity and Marriage